Tuesday, May 23, 2017


Where does creativity come from? What do you do when you need answers to tough questions or are tasked to create?

I've taken notice where most of my inspiration and ideas come from. What's interesting is that they come from the same handful of common places that you and I operate in everyday.

If you are an artist, stay at home mom, student, or climbing the corporate ladder - we all sometimes find ourselves looking for outlets to get our creative juices flowing. Whether you are facing a creative roadblock or have a tough decision to make, let me offer you a few strategies that will create clarity and calm. I hope these techniques and tips will help channel your subconscious and open up an army of ideas, and an arsenal of answers to the challenges that lie in front of you.

The key is to put yourself in positions to unlock your subconscious to be able to receive information. The best way to do this is to change your "state" by altering your physiology or biochemistry by some type of stimulus. 

Your brain is so powerful.  Are you using it to it's full potential?
Through my experiences of taking note where my creativity comes from, I have discovered that there are 6 main Mediums where I find myself channeling creative thoughts and ideas unified synergistically by what I call a State Shifter.

Ever see the film Limitless with Bradley Cooper? They say the human brain only utilizes 10% of it's capacity. Utilizing one of the 6 mediums combined with a state shifter attempts to tap into the other 90%. 

Use these 6 simple strategies and tap into your entire brain power, like Bradley Cooper's character in Limitless.
Below are 6 simple ways to find inspiration and creativity:

1. Taking a nap 
Medium: A quiet comfortable place to rest
State Shifter: Sleep

Ever see the movie Inception with Leonardo DiCaprio? I love the concept of "a dream within a dream." DiCaprio and his partner in crime, played by Gordon Joseph-Levett, where tasked to extract or implant a thought or idea into a victim's mind while they were sleeping. Why can't we do the same to our own subconscious? 

The reason why I prefer naps to extract creativity is because naps support being in a Free State. You take naps when your body feels like it. You go to sleep at night because you have to. 

Try this, when you feel like you need an answer or creative inspiration, listen to your body when it feels tired. Don't fight this urge, but go with it. Even if it's just for 10 minutes. Find a comfy place and shut your eyes. Here's the Inception twist - at the beginning of your decent, ask your inner Leo for inspiration in the area you are stuck. Let your subconscious go to work. What you'll find is that the idea doesn't come from the dream, put from what I call the "nap residue"...the peaceful time in-between when you are not asleep and not fully awake. This is where Inception Creation takes place. 

You will be in a complete relaxed state and your conscious and subconscious mind will begin to make-out like Leo and Kate on the Titanic. When you fully wake up, you'll have your new idea, and will jump up, with your arms stretched out screaming, "I'm the king of the world!" Don't just take my word for it. Ask multi-millionaire creatives Christopher Nolan and James Cameron. They'll tell ya. 

The concept for my first book (coming soon), came from this place. I had just woken up after snuggling and taking an afternoon nap with my daughter Bellamy. During the nap residue, the vision flashed at me like a neon sign in Times Square. 

Give this technique a try...just make sure you are like Leo in Inception, and have a metal top handy when you wake up. 

2. Going for a drive
Medium: Car
State Shifter: Sound

One of my favorite of all movies without question is Rocky IV. Sly Stallone was in his prime. The Cold War was at its climax, and what 5 year old didn't want a talking robot? I know I did. 

When the 7 foot Russian, Ivan Drago, defeated and killed Rocky's best friend Apollo, Rocky needed to clear his head. What did the World Champion and Italian Stallion do when he was faced with an insurmountable challenge? He jumped in his sports car and went on a drive bumping the classic, "There's no easy way out," by Robert Topper. Fitting title wouldn't you say? 

Rocky getting his mind right in his 1985 Lamborghini Jalpa
Through this process, Rocky was able to reflect, clear his mind, and walk away with a plan and a purpose. There's something just therapeutic about going on a drive, the freeness of being on the open road, and feeling the emotion of your favorite song. 

Music is a universal language that stirs memory, emotion, and inspiration. Steve Jobs has been quoted by saying that his biggest inspiration and influence was not some tech nerd, but Bob Dylan. 

Another "sound" strategy I use while driving is listening to thought leaders through audiobooks, podcasts, or YouTube videos. I have my go-to's that I seek for wisdom and inspiration. This is similar to what Superman would do when he was perplexed. He would go to his home ice-layer, insert a few crystals, and gain wisdom from his hologram father. 

Often times just one word or one phrase from a thought leader that I admire will spark an idea that leads to a solution or endless creativity. 

Just like how your car can transport you from place to place, this process will transform your mind to a new destination. Give this medium a try. You might discover Rocky-like underdog ideas and super human strategies inside of you.

3. Working out at the gym 
Medium: Fitness center
State Shifter: Movement

I love to workout. The gym is my happy place. I've committed to myself and my health by making fitness a frequent weekly ritual. There are so many physical benefits that working out creates. My gym time helps me increase my energy, improve strength, and reduce the risk of injuries. 

The physical effects of exercising are clear, but what about the mental effects? For me, working out reduces stress, clears my head, and allows me alone time to think. There is a powerful force that happens when we move our bodies. Moving your body is one of the most effective way to change your state. 

Movement creates momentum. With momentum you discover motivation. When you are motivated you are able to tap into your memory on a deeper level. Ideas will surface. Inspiration will arise. Clarity will come through. 

Physical Fitness fosters Mental Fitness #gainz
Every time I leave the gym I have a new idea for a blog post, an added detail for my book, or inspiration for a social media quote. These fresh ideas wouldn't be possible without being in an environment like the gym, where I'm free from my phone and other distractions. The added inspiration comes from changing my state through lifting weights - similar to lifting stress away - the tension and release of the weight is like lifting tension and weight away that is blocking my creativity. 

And here's the thing, the more you practice, and the more repetitions you do, the stronger you will be. Not only in your muscles, but your ability to tap into fresh ideas and inspiration.

4. Shower Power
Medium: The Shower
State Shifter: Water

I love to take showers. There's just something so soothing and relaxing about turning up the water really hot, generating steam, and just checking out for a period of time. With a wife and three children, those moments are fleeting, but cherished. Longer showers to myself is the real reason why I cover a large sales territory - to have frequent overnights to myself in a hotel (just kidding Kendra, being away from you and the kids is torture!). 

But seriously though, don't mess with my shower time. My showers can never be too hot or too long. 

Growing up in a family of four, with just one sibling, I can't remember many times fighting over the hot water. With this good fortune, I developed the habit of using this daily ritual as a form of meditation. No cell phones, no TV, no computers, no distractions. Just me, the water, and my thoughts. 

There's something metaphorical about taking a shower. You are stripping down, getting clean, and using the water to wash away the old, and begin to feel anew. Cleanliness, feeling refreshed, and recharging aren't the only benefits showering provides. For me, the shower also serve as a canvas. I often use the hot steam to fog up the shower glass. This precious creative place is where I make lists, draw diagrams, charts, and develop new acronyms. My shower glass is like a whiteboard. While in there I'm like Russell Crowe's character in A Beautiful Mind. I'm unlocking puzzles and solving problems. 

Sometimes Kendra will shower after me at some point in the day and find what looks like hieroglyphics, Chinese characters, or some alien language that I've created during these thought-provoking shower sessions. She will often ask, "What did you come up with this time?"

There have been countless instances where I entered the shower with an issue or uncertainty, and after feeling the warmth of the hot water, listening to the soothing sound of faucet flow, and feeling the hot misty steam - my brain begins to unthaw. 

Just me, my breath, my thoughts, and nothing more. The shower is where I think, I ponder, I process, and I rest. 

Don't underestimate the power of taking a shower. Endless answers and countless creation is at your disposal. Just remember to squeegee when you're done. 

5. Going on a walk
Medium: Walking outside
State Shifter: Nature

Creative people have an eye for the creativity all around us, and the best in their field immerse themselves in these natural creative settings. I call this state shifter "nature." What I really mean by nature is the world all around us - the trees, flowers, hills, landscape, water, sunsets, the city, buildings, architecture, etc.

What is more beautiful and inspiring than God-made AND man-made creation?

What better place to foster creativity than the beautiful world we live in? If you are spending most of your time in a sedentary, stagnant, and sitting position in a cubicle staring at a computer, you'll be hard pressed to come up with fresh and new ideas. 

Get your butt out of your seat. Create some movement by going on a 10-20 minute walk outside. Get the blood flowing and take in the beauty all around you. Moving your body is one of the best ways to change your state and channel creative energy - even if it is as simple as going on a walk. 

Debbie Millman is a designer, author, educator, and brand strategist. She's worked with many major companies and projects ranging from Burger King to Star Wars merchandising. She is labeled as one of the most influential designers today. According to Millman, one of her tried and true methods to get out of a creative rut is to go outside and go on a walk. This activity helps clear her head and flush out creative blocks. 

Millman is a creative force like no other.  Please check out her interview on the Tim Ferriss Podcast Here....simply amazing.
Living in Manhattan, Millman taps into an endless supply of natural creative inspiration just by going outside. From people, to sounds, to architecture, to colorful billboards and advertisements everywhere - this concrete jungle serves as a breeding ground for inspiration. 

I don't live in the city, like Millman, but I do live near many trees, trails, and parks. God's eye for creation is unmatched. Just breathing in the fresh air and taking in the scene all around helps me feel more creative and inspired. I often go on walks either early in the morning or later at night when the kids are in bed. This time alone also allows me to reflect on what's going on in my world - presently and in my past. This technique might channel the most powerful source of inspiration of all: life. 

One of the kings of creation, Walt Disney, used his life as a spring board for inspiration and ideas for stories. Reflecting on his hard working blue collar childhood, Disney was inspired to write the classic film Cinderella. One time, he was pulled over by a police officer due to a trivial traffic violation. Instead of getting mad, he used that as inspiration for a Micky Mouse episode. 

Inspiration is around us everywhere. Tap into the beauty of nature and the scenes all around you. Get out of your "box." Go outside. Move your body and go on a walk. Use nature to help you reflect on your life - which might be the greatest source of creation possible. 

6. Go write, get right
Medium: Quiet time alone
State Shifter: Writing

Many of my blog posts and content for my new book WERE NOT conceived until I started to write. There is a magical creative force that happens when you allow your mind to explore, document, and reflect on feelings through writing. 

Voltaire once said, "Writing is the painting of the voice. " 

C.S. Lewis noted, "You can make anything by writing."

E.L. Doctorow offered,  "Writing is an exploration. You start from nothing and learn as you go."

My most creative place to write is not in front of a computer or laptop, but in the notes section in my phone. I also love to use Google Docs as a way to jot down thoughts and ideas throughout the day. One of the main themes of my new book coming soon is a unique daily journaling system - which I use everyday to prime my mind, body, and spirit. 

Journaling has been clinically proven to lower stress, depression, and anxiety. Keeping a journal has been shown to help gain control of one's emotions and improve mental health. 

Give it a try. The most important words in the English language are write it down. Unlock your inner wisdom. Create a new masterpiece. Find a solution. Get your mind right, go to a quiet place and write. 

Is this my future TedTalk?

God needed 6 days to create the world. Try these 6 mediums and state shifters to generate inspiration, ideas, and creation of your own. 

Medium // State Shifter
1. Taking a nap // Sleep 
2. Going for a drive // Sound
3. Working out at the gym // Movement
4. Taking a long hot shower // Water
5. Going on a walk // Nature
6. Quiet time alone // Writing

Who knows, you just might make a masterpiece. 

Collin Henderson is the creator and founder of Project Rise.  Project Rise is a platform to uplift and inspire people to be the best version of themselves.

Sunday, May 14, 2017


Saying, "I love you" to another dude is for the soft and weak. 

This lie about love is one of the many Masks of Masculinity...and I used to agree. 

Being a coach's son and the youngest of two boys, I grew up thinking that being a man (especially an athlete) was all about being tough. Real men don't cry, we don't show weakness, and the strongest are like Superman - made of steel and feel no pain. 

I used to never say the words "I love you" to anyone...especially not a teammate.  Even though my freshman roommate Matt Kegel (Havre, Montana's finest) told me "I love you" most nights before we went to bed in our tiny little dorm room, I often times left him hanging.  My insecurities, immaturity, and lack of hearing that from another guy kind of rattled me.  Thus, I wouldn't reciprocate.

Matt and I were different, but similar in a lot of ways.  He loved football, he loved life, and he loved people.  You can learn a lot from a free spirited Montana cowboy.

"That's weird," I remember thinking.

I was like many young misguided male athletes, caught up in holding up a macho image.  By not saying, "I love you" back, I was keeping in tact the mirage of my manhood.  Sometimes, I'd steal a line from the movie Ghost though and say, "Ditto."  That was the best I could do.

I remember playing the University of Hawaii on the road my freshman year at WSU. It was our final game of a rough season and I was one of only 3 true freshman to start that season. One of the 3 was Seahawk legend and Pro Bowler, Marcus Trufaunt. Marcus had just made an interception to close out a tight game in front of a hostile crowd. 

At the Horseshoe vs. Ohio State

I remember being so pumped in the heat of battle that I hugged him and said, "I love you bro!" 

I totally acted out of character, but was caught up in the moment...I was playing with turf toe and bruised ribs that day. We had only 2 wins prior to that game and needed a momentum boost for the off-season.

It felt a little awkward saying it and even more awkward when he didn't say it back. "I'm never doing that again," I thought.

Saying "I love you," is for girls and gays, not real men...that's the old mask of masculinity in me talking.  This misogynistic and homophobic thought process is still unfortunately all too common in male team sports.

It's taken many years of study, self reflection, and learning from successful mentors to learn that love is everything - no matter one's gender or orientation. 

Love gives purpose. Love feels pain. Love won't stop. Love transcends. 

I often see young people (especially guys) who haven't established their core values yet make immature remarks about love. Either they misuse it to gain an advance with women, or never use it at all - especially with men, friends, or teammates. Often times it's not their fault. They've been modeled this behavior by prominent male figures in their life and even society (look who is leading our country). 

Masculinity is often times masked by ego, self interest, insecurity, and the narcissistic adage that image is everything. 

Gotta look cool. Gotta be hard. Gotta fit in. Gotta look tough. 

Many "tough guys" think showing vulnerability is showing weakness - especially in front of other males. Who can blame them? They've seen "real leaders" yell, demean, and put others down. These leaders don't say "I love you," they're too busy being tough and focusing on kicking ass.

I argue the opposite. Being vulnerable is a sign of strength. You can have goals and grace. You can show love and hold people accountable. 

Coach Carroll showed you can "love" and hold players accountable.  Pete stuck with Hauschka through the season, but didn't renew his contract for 2017.

Aside from ego-centric leadership, we are living in an epidemic of misplaced masculinity. Bullying seems to be at an all time high. Selfishness is everywhere. Entitlement is through the roof. Teams, schools, and organizations all have these types of people. I call them energy takers - taking positive energy away from others. The many social media platforms are a feeding ground for energy takers. 

There are many trolls out there that get some sort of enjoyment out of sucking energy from other people by posting disrespectful comments. These put-downs in my opinion often times come from a place of insecurity. Below is a comment from an energy taker - someone who takes away energy because they lack in something (self-esteem, confidence, happiness, or misguided leadership). This comment was in part directed at me.

Energy Taking at it's finest.
Instead of being an energy taker, be an energy maker - someone who uplifts, supports, helps, and cares for others. The world could use more energy makers and less energy takers.

Energy takers come in all ages, shapes, and sizes. These individuals have no regard for others. Often times they don't even realize how their selfish actions affect the larger group. They might claim to be all about "team," but their ignorant comments, posts, and even body language show otherwise. They blame, complain, and shame. These actions might actually be a cry for help. 

Can you think of any energy takers in your family, team, school, or work?

I've had the pleasure of working with a local top ranked high school baseball team on mindset training, synergy, and culture this year. As they recently began the post season, I made a poster that I hoped would inspire unselfishness, sacrifice, and most importantly, love. This poster was the source of the energy taker's comment I mentioned above.

I gave three examples to the team to anchor the message about the power of love

One of the stories I shared was how a woman in her 50's had the strength to lift a car 4 inches off the ground to save her son who was stuck under a car. 

The point: The LOVE of another can give you super-human STRENGTH. 

The second example I shared was a video of Clemson's head football coach Dabo Swinney's post game interview after they upset Alabama in the final seconds of the National Championship game. 

A reporter asked, "How did you guys come-back and win?" 

He said, "We won because of love. Love has been my word all year. I told them, I don't know how we are gonna do it, but if we love each other, we'll win." 

The point: LOVE for your team, coaches, and program gives you FAITH. 

2016 National Champion, Dabo Swinney, believes in the power of love.

The last example I shared was about Michael Jordan's love of the game of basketball. As a rookie, he made sure his agent and the Chicago Bulls inserted a "For the Love of the Game Clause" in his contract. This clause meant he could play basketball in the off-season wherever and with whoever he wanted. Many teams put off-season regulations on their superstars, but Jordan wouldn't have it.

One of the reasons why Michael Jordan is the greatest of all time, is because of his deep passion for the game of basketball. Similar to other greats like Tom Brady and Derek Jeter, they don't play for money or for the accolades, but because of the love affair with their sport. 

The point: Talent alone won't get you there, LOVE and PASSION are the pathway to greatness. 

The GOAT: Greatest of All Time

Trust me, I am all about winning. I'm all about getting after it and competing your ass off. I'm all about being a bulldog and hitting 'em in the mouth...all under the rules of play. However, I'm just trying to shift the common masculine paradigm on how you get there.

It really boils down to this point:

Relationships create Championships. 

Relationships with others (especially teammates) are the most impactful part of being an athlete - not just winning. Ask many athletes who are done playing and they'll tell you, the biggest thing they miss about being a student-athlete or professional is the relationships and the time spent in the locker room and being with their teammates - not the actual game.

In the end, we CAN'T control the number of banners, titles, and championships we get. However, we CAN control the depth and meaning of our relationships - in athletics, work, school, and life. A loving relationship is the ultimate championship. 

If you love your teammates, your team, and the process more than the ring, I believe you'll increase your likelihood of getting the ring... especially if everyone on your squad is on the same page.

Call me soft or Charmin, but that is the legacy I'm leaving...as a husband, father, leader, and coach....a legacy of love. A love for myself, others, and to pursuing one's passion. 

When Troy Aikman won his first Super Bowl, he found himself in his hotel room crying his eyes out. He asked himself "Is this it?"  He got the "ship," but he wasn't satisfied...it wasn't enough. People change your life, more then events do.

What is achievement if you have no one to share it with or if that is the only thing you play for? Also, if you judge your value as a person on wins and losses alone (as an athlete, salesman, coach, teacher, or whatever profession you were in), you are setting up yourself for constantly feeling unfulfilled - a trap I used to put myself in often. 

We can't control specific outcomes. However, we can control our commitments

This was an exercise I did with the team I was working with. I first had them write down their goal for the postseason. Almost everyone wrote down they wanted to win a state title. I had them tear up their original goal. Some were a little confused, but I explained, "Every team in this playoff has that same goal - to win a championship." 

I told them that we can't control what happens at the end of this tournament. However, what we can control is our commitment to ourself and our team.

I gave them a new sheet of paper and had them write down their one commitment for the postseason. I had a few of the players share their commitment...it was very inspiring. Their focus shifted from all outcomes, to be more effort and attitude based goals. The entire team then wrote their one commitment on the team banner that read FAMILY: Forget About Me I Love You. 

Commitments are more powerful than goals.

This exercise I felt would help narrow their focus, lower their anxieties, and channel their concentration on what really matters. I challenged them to make this their only goal for the postseason: Focus on family, love, and their commitment.

I'm totally aware that this approach isn't for everyone. It's not the only way to win. But in my years of high-level competition in athletics and in the corporate world, LOVE is my vision and what I value most. LOVE is how I lead. 

My challenge to you is this: reevaluate your understanding of the word love. Reassess your commitments to yourself, others, and in pursuing your passion. 

Try to live life by this creed: Let love rule. 

Jesus taught us, "These three will last forever – faith hope and love – but the greatest of all is love (1 Cor 13:13)."

The Beetles sang, "All you need is love. Love is all you need."

Dabo Swinney's 2016 word of the year that guided Clemson to the National Championship was: Love.  

If it worked for Jesus, the Beatles, and Dabo, Love just might work for you and your team. 

When you unveil the mask of masculinity, and remove its insecure intentions, what you'll find is every living creature - even men too - need love. And the best way I've learned over the years to receive love...is to give it.  Even if you don't get the instant gratification of hearing, "I love you," back.

For the record Matt...I LOVE YOU.

Collin Henderson is the creator and founder of Project Rise. Project Rise is a platform to uplift, inspire, and give individuals and teams the tools to be the best version of themselves. As a former Division-I two sport athlete and over ten years of experience as an award winning representative and trainer in medical sales, with two Fortune 500 companies, Collin offers strategies for peak performance in business, athletics, and academia. He is passionate about teaching the power of a healthy mindset, servant leadership, and the life changing affects of gratitude.